Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2019


I walk.
Not stopping as life drags on
Drawing on my near infinite will
to move forward and not turn back
I sleep
My once dreams are incoherent rambles
of a splash of colors and words
drifting aimlessly.In vain, I try
to find within that which I know I lost
I run
A little raindrop trickles down
on to my numb fingers 
Kindling a long forgotten love
Memories flash by 
vibrant, albeit for an instant
I smile
Happy to relive, resurrect 
memories from foggy recesses of my mind
colors to images, words to verse 
I pause
For a split second , and the fog thickens
Clouding my memories,
muddling my thoughts yet again
Leaving me alone , incomplete , empty
I walk away
Like I always do , mechanically
Trying to comprehend the loss
of that, that was almost mine.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I am searching for
A word lost in a rambling conversation
A verse lost in random thoughts
A dream lost in troubled awakening
A hope lost in deep despondency
A smile lost in a stressed day
Self lost in a crowded world

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Moonlit Midnight

As the witching hour unfolds
And crickets sing their melancholy song
Stillness of the lake reverberates
Through out the dark cloudy skies

An evil dark cloud outstretched its hands to
Choke the moon in a murky gag
The skies wait with bated breath
For their darling to be set free

As she struggles to escape her captor's clasp
Spirits of the night give their silent blessing
Whispering spells into the night
as leaves hush their lullabies

A swish & whirl , free from the grasp
The triumphant moon emerges
Unscathed and beautiful she smiles
Lighting up the night again

As the witching hour is past,
The crickets sing their mirthful song
The stillness of the lake reverberates
Through out the golden moonlit skies

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rainbow in the Sky

My first trial at Tanka (a Japanese style of poetry)
The magnificent rainbow that I saw from my balcony today inspired me to get back to blogging after a long break. :)

Rainbow in the sky
Shining through the clouds so dark,
Took my breath away.
Thankful for nature's surprise,
I smiled, it had made my day.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Glass Vase

My own glistening eyes I see
In a thousand reflections
On the remnant pieces 
Of my favorite glass vase
May be, the cracks
Were always a part of it.
Inherent , incomprehensibly subtle or invisible
From my rose tinted fools paradise.
Blood flows through my cracked fingers
As I try to pick up the fragments
One by one , each  hurting me anew
Leaving yet another scar ..
With a broad sweep ,
I want to shove them away
The many scattered glass daggers
That my once beautiful vase became.
Ringing fresh in my ears
The laughter of crackling glass 
Bringing thoughts of happy past.
Distracted , I hurt myself again.
Leaving 'time' to dry the glistening drops
Of blood and tears on glass,
I look into your loving eyes to find
That strength to walk away.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beautiful Days - 2


[Photo courtsey (Vijay Madhavan)]

End of a long day
Sun paints an orange canvas
Hope for tomorrow.

Beautiful Days - 1

I have been trying to get back to blogging with little success. So when my husband started sending me pictures of beautiful views he'd seen , I decided to spend some time each day to write a Haiku in memory of the simple beautiful  things that catch our eyes every day. Here's the first.

Dazzling full moon face

Smiles out of her sky blue veil

Lake glows in response.

P.S :  Picture taken by my husband (Vijay Madhavan) and this was a view from our deck .

Sunday, September 15, 2013


It is Onam in my Kerala today and seeing all of the Onam wishes on facebook , made we remember the colorful pookkalams that were once an integral part of my childhood.

A basket of tiny white Thumba,
A handful of red Chembarathi,
Yellow Jamanthis , Not to forget
A dash of Orange Jendu-mallis,

All plucked and placed 
On a green plantain leaf
Ready to be transformed
Into a bright pookkalam

Ten days , it seemed to all
That flowers bloomed
With a strength of purpose
In supreme pride and glory

To beautify homes
And unify families
Over the design and creation
Of a beautiful flower carpet

Time goes by , fading 
Those colors into memory
They appear again, albeit
As wishes on my Facebook wall.

Making flowers bloom once again
White Thumba , red Chembarathi,
Yellow Jamanthi and Orange Jendu-malli
In my mind's  ona pookkalam.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Colors - Haiku

Blue , green , yellow , red
Laughing in silver chatter
My rainbow bangles.

Black pen, white paper
Green eyes on teal blue sky
A colorful poem.

Red Sindoor , black Kohl
Maroon Mailanji, gold ring
An Indian Wedding


I know Blog Adda takes Indian time midnight for its WOW entries , but couldn't resist writing a bunch of colorful Haikus when I saw this week's topic.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Opposites - Haiku

Armed with this link, and inspired by BlogAdda to write about opposites , I tried my hand at writing Haiku. Here they are.

Reveal or conceal?
What the heart beat wants to say
Eye in dilemma.


The cup of my life
Half empty or half full ?
Optimism answers.

Rain drops drizzling down
Together , yet apart
With intertwined fates.

[Image Copyright :Eric Kamp]


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Thank You Again Blog Adda,

Friday, July 12, 2013


The happiness  butterfly,
It would not just stand by
With a butterfly kiss and a perky flap,
Take off it did , not wait on my lap.
Chasing after its elusive scent
Captivated by the sights en-route I went
In the crowded beaches,
Making castles of sand and dreams
On the platform , enjoying the rain
While waiting for an unduly late train
In the park , having fun
Blowing a bubble or two in the sun
Staring up, filling my eyes,
With orange-blue oils in the skies.
Walking across crowded street,
With a spicy roasted peanut treat
Looking in awe at the full moon sky
Enchanted night that stars twinkle by.
As I sit down and pause
To enjoy little things with out a cause
With a butterfly kiss and flutter of wings
Happiness , my little butterfly brings.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rain Fury

On a Rainy day, my heart skips a beat
Relishing a respite from the heat
[Source :]
As raindrops on my cheek
Murmur a gushing sweet speak
The wind pulls my hair , teasing
As it splatters droplets ,  adorning
Spring's white  flower bequest
With a pearl ornate chest

As the wind , changes its tone,
From a treble to a baritone ,
Rhythm of the falling rain
Picks up beats, quickens again
Watching the skies rapidly shift hue
Washing a dark grey blue
Colors from my rain speckled cheeks drain,
I try to protect my flowers in vain.

Rain , Wind , I beseech , I pray ,
Do not take my spring flowers away.
Thunder guffawed , mocking me anew
With strength and vigor , the thunderstorm blew.
With vengeance it crushed my flowers to ground.
In to the sea of mud where everything drowned.
"Your flowers are mine" , it seemed to say
"As is everything that stands in my way."

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Road to Success

If you want the thrill and excitement
Of roads seldom traveled,
Of novelty, ambition ,
May be a  morsel of fame

In paths un-traversed by men.
Foot prints , mark your own
Reach for the stars , the sky,
The end of the blue horizon.

It will be a long journey ,
I must warn you though.
And it is not for quitters
Who stop when things get rough.

May perseverance be your virtue
And hard work be your friend
The fairy tale will come true
You will succeed in the end.

Adulation , admiration , will follow.
Future will , in awe look
But you will be the pioneer
Of a route that no one took.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Words - A Haiku Trial..

Verse , rhyme I wait for
Why do they take so much time?
From a (writer's) block away.

My first trial  at Haiku. Not even sure if I got my syllables right.. :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lost Verses

The rustle of fresh leaves,
The white spring flowers..
The breeze that brushes
my hair against my cheek
With an ever gentle swish

The calm solitude of pleasure
I try to hold on to for ever
As words dance to their 
Sweet melodious music
Across my mind's 
Green windy wilderness

Woken into reality
From my distant dreams
Pleasure turns into anger
As my verses get lost
Falling into the vortex of my 
Tumbling thoughts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Snow Times

We stepped over the frozen snow.
Making foot prints in glee
I was so happy then
Like a child of three

In the cold and in the rain
We held together strong
We were one , you and I
We could do no wrong

In your joy, that knew no bounds,
I saw my world go round
Until one day I gave away
And you fell down the ground

Since that day , I wait and wait
For another snowy day
May be play one last time
Before you throw me away

Snow Boots

Monday, February 18, 2013

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Monday, January 28, 2013


An idea lights up,
Words come together
Expressions seek a vent
And I open my computer

Willing my fingertips to caress
Those alphabets to motion
Arranging and re-arranging words
Sans life.Sans emotion.

For those words of yore I yearn
Words on paper with a pen
Crossed , scribbled ,doodled, torn
Lovingly caressed with a hand forlorn

A neat cursive here.A scribble there.
Ink blots ,Those little dots
Marks left by an unfriendly eraser
On the pristine white of paper

Longingly I reach for a pen.
My fingers stop with a quiver..
Writing a few illegible lines
Hard it is to please my jilted lover.

Weary I put the pen aside
Placing my thoughts umpteen
Into the tangles of the web
And call it Going Green.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pitcure Perfect...

Into the rippled reflection of trees
Painted by autumn, yellow
Dusk falls with a reddish glow
Blessing it, with a purple red halo.

Standing hand in hand
With out a word, In awe
Captivated by the serenity
of nature's picturesque show

A flight of birds across
The now purplish sky
Break the bliss of stillness-
Waking us from our reverie

As we look again and smile
Into that picture now dissolved
But captured in our hearts forever
In a photographic memory