Sunday, April 21, 2019


I walk.
Not stopping as life drags on
Drawing on my near infinite will
to move forward and not turn back
I sleep
My once dreams are incoherent rambles
of a splash of colors and words
drifting aimlessly.In vain, I try
to find within that which I know I lost
I run
A little raindrop trickles down
on to my numb fingers 
Kindling a long forgotten love
Memories flash by 
vibrant, albeit for an instant
I smile
Happy to relive, resurrect 
memories from foggy recesses of my mind
colors to images, words to verse 
I pause
For a split second , and the fog thickens
Clouding my memories,
muddling my thoughts yet again
Leaving me alone , incomplete , empty
I walk away
Like I always do , mechanically
Trying to comprehend the loss
of that, that was almost mine.