Thursday, January 20, 2011

Little Hearts-A story from school

It was a day in kodaikanal in 1998.Two bored girls were walking around the kodaikanal wondering what they were doing there. It was the last day of a week long science camp with geeks from all over India. It was finally over and they were giving us the last day off to explore the place. The whole lot of be-spectacled black hole loving set of bujis were making a crowded conversation about bernauli's theorem with respect to the lake or something of that sort..The girls made a quick escape and were soon walking along a different path. They were checking their pockets to see if they had any money to rent bicycles when a young boy who was probably only 5 or 6 approached them trying to sell a packet of little hearts biscuits. Neither of the girls liked the biscuit he was selling , much less the fact that he was trying his best to force them to buy one of the packets. They walked away to another place , but the child was persistant. A good half an hour later the girls found themselves with a packet of little hearts for which they had paid much more than its cost. But they felt good about themselves about helping the young child.

My husband bought little hearts biscuit the other day and that made me remember this story that happened long ago.

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