Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pitcure Perfect...

Into the rippled reflection of trees
Painted by autumn, yellow
Dusk falls with a reddish glow
Blessing it, with a purple red halo.

Standing hand in hand
With out a word, In awe
Captivated by the serenity
of nature's picturesque show

A flight of birds across
The now purplish sky
Break the bliss of stillness-
Waking us from our reverie

As we look again and smile
Into that picture now dissolved
But captured in our hearts forever
In a photographic memory


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. This was from our weekend at Brainerd. Had written this then, but didn't get a chance to upload it till now.

  2. Sunitha, The pace of the poem, the thoughts and description is very impressive. Enjoyed reading it.

  3. Free flowing verses, beautiful just like the pic :)
